Ritsa Karamanlis

Ritsa Karamanlis

Remembering The Life Of Ritsa Karamanlis

Viewing Details


6:00 pm

Divine Family Funerals, 206 William Street Earlwood

Funeral Details


12:30 pm

St's Raphael, Nicholas & Irene Greek Orthodox Church, 29 Forbes Street, Liverpool

Burial Details


2:30 pm

Rookwood General Cemetery, Section: LOL P, Position: 2075

Wake Details


3:00 pm

Village Functions @ Rookwood Cemetery, Corner Memorial Avenue & Necropolis Drive, Rookwood Cemetery


2 Responses

  1. For my θεία

    Taken from us so soon and unexpected.
    I will miss your kindness and your love.
    I will miss your warm smile and laugh.
    I promise to think about you every so often, so that I never forgot that sweet voice that called me Koukla.

    It saddens me that you left and I’m not there to farewell you, but your memory and the wonderful times we shared will live in my heart forever.

    So sleep now θεία for all eternity.
    To have called you my θεία, I am truely blessed.

  2. Θερμά Συληπητηρια στην αγαπημένη μας οικογένεια Καραμανλή,συζηγο Ιωάννη,παιδιά Ξενοφων,Ηλία,Βασίλη,Γιασεμουλα, Υβετ,Έλη,κ εγγόνια,κλ συγγενεις κ φιλους για τον θάνατο της αγαπημένης μας Ριτσας,🌹η σκέψη μας κ οι καρδιες μας είναι μαζί σας σε αυτες τις πολύ δυσκολες στιγμες,ο Θεος να σας δεινει δύναμη κ κουραγιο,αιώνια της η μνημη,θα ζει πάντα στις καρδιές μας, κ δεν θα την ξεχάσουμε ποτέ!!!🙏🙏🙏από όλη την οικογένεια Πηδουλα, sincere condolences to all the Karamanlis families,for the loss of a wife,mum grandma,sister and a wonderful friend of ours, eternal her memory🙏🙏🙏🙏

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