Milos Beran

Milos Beran

Remembering The Life Of Milos Beran

Funeral Details


11:00 am

Leura Memorial Gardens & Crematorium, Kitchener Road, Leura


9 Responses

  1. A lovely, friendly man who was so very proud of Misha and his soccer achievements ⚽️❤️ Thinking of you Blanka and Misha 🩷🩷

  2. Thinking of you all at this difficult time. My heart is breaking for you and Misha.
    Know that he was so proud of you Misha and loved you both so much.
    Milos was always ready with a smile and ready to have chat.
    In our thoughts and prayers- The Donoghue Family

  3. During this time of loss, we want you to know that you are in our thoughts. We offer our heartfelt sympathies during this incredibly challenging time. Milos’ memory will forever be a source of strength and love for you and Misha. Love from all ❤️

  4. Brasko ,co se stalo? Tve legracky a forky a strasna bezmoc a smutek.Drz nam nahore misto at se zase sejdem.
    A silu Blance a Misovi.Nikdy nezapomenem . Brasule Vlada s rodinou

  5. Family… those we are born to and those we chose. My family is here for yours, anytime, for anything. Milos always made me smile and you and Misha were at the centre of his life-he loved you unconditionally. Love, Maree

  6. Pane Milos way too early my friend way too early. My work mate and fishing buddy
    When I join you in that „other Oberon” pls keep one spot there for me so we will fish together again
    Blanka and Misha condolences from me Małgosia i Agata

  7. Svět je nespravedlivý, odchody našich manželů jsou tím důkazem. Milošovi je už dobře, zřejmě měl další poslání jinde. Nebe je jen jedno, tak už si se Zdeňkem třeba povídají..o rodině, svých ženách, dětech o rýžování zlata…A vy dva, Blančo a Míšo se s tím budete muset porvat…. Víš, že vím…

  8. Rest in peace my friend, you were called away to early, you were a great husband father and friend! You will be dearly missed and never forgotten!
    Forever in our hearts!
    Richard Tracy and Daniel

  9. Ahoj Blanko, je mi to moc líto, upřímnou soustrast. Držím pěsti, ať s Míšou zvládnete tyto velice těžké chvíle v životě.

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